
No. 42  Sep. 2019




本期範文賞析(SPOTLIGHT),邀請本中心陳翊齊老師撰文,介紹注音符號系統,對以中文為母語者,在學習英文音韻學時,所造成不同層面的影響。本期教師專訪(STAR OF THE MONTH)的對象為簡士捷老師,暢談他於寫作中心任教11年以來的教材準備方法與教學心得,同時,他也分享了關於跨領域寫作教學以及如何發表學術作品的參考用書。讀者園地(PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS)則介紹本學期寫作中心所舉辦的各場演講與寫作諮詢服務宣導,敬請讀者留意相關訊息。

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." 


by Lucius Annaeus Seneca (c. 4 BC – AD 65)




陳翊齊老師 撰文 (Yi-Chi Chen, Adjunct Lecturer of Academic Writing Education Center, NTU)

The Influence of Zhuyin System on Learners' Acquisition of English Phonology



In the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA), there has been increasing interest in the influence of learners' first language (L1) on their interlanguage during the process of acquiring a second language (L2). One important issue in SLA is the aspects from which L1 knowledge can affect the learning process, a phenomenon termed L1 interference. Since it is common that most learners start acquiring the phonology and orthography of L1 before mastering their L2 counterparts, existing knowledge in L1 may interfere with L2 acquisition while decoding L2 sounds.
Buzan (1991, p.18) listed the positive effects of using a mnemonic device (especially if it is based on one's L1) on L2 phonology acquisition, and, in line with Buzan, Bassetti (2008) pointed out that orthographic input in particular could help perceive and realize L2 target phonemes, syllables and words. In her study, Japanese learners of English, by checking whether the target sound contains a or , would be able to produce the correct pronunciation.
However, the learning results of relying on orthographic input may also encompass non-nativelike traits of assimilation, vowel addition, omission or substitution. By analyzing the data elicited from two groups of subjects, Chen (2011) found that while participants who performed the task with the aid of Zhuyin writing system (a set of Mandarin phonetic symbols widely used in Taiwan) could perform better in recognizing English sounds, he also noted that using Zhuyin impeded the production of target sounds being acquired due to the mismatch between the two phonological inventories. To further explore the effects of using Zhuyin writing system on acquiring certain English sounds, this study aimed to investigate how Taiwanese EFL learners, while employing Zhuyin phonetic alphabets to facilitate L2 sound learning, are affected in terms of their L2 phonological production.



Due to the discrepancy between English and Chinese phonological inventories, this study hypothesized that Taiwanese L2 learners of English would have difficulty notating the following sounds: (1) voiced interdental fricative /ð/, (2) voiced labiodental fricative /v/, (3) voiced alveolar fricative /z/, (4) the voiced semivowels palatal /y/ and (5) voiced bilabial nasal /m/, especially when it is in the coda position.



The main emphasis of this study was placed on the extent to which Zhuyin phonological system influenced the pronunciation of English language when the participants were asked to notate the given English sentences only with Zhuyin alphabets.
Involved in this study were 50 adult Taiwanese L2 learners of English who are native speakers of Mandarin Chinese. All of them had the experience of using Zhuyin to help themselves learn English at the early stage. As for their English proficiency, all the participants had achieved an overall score of 6.5 or 7.0 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).



The present study hypothesized that certain notation(s) would result in non-targetlike pronunciations of five English phones when Zhuyin phonological system was the only way to notate English words for Taiwanese L2 students of English. The results generally showed that using Zhuyin alphabets in substitution for some L2 target phonemes does spawn discrepancies between subjects in notating words. However, unexpected findings were made as well; the voiced semivowel palatal /y/ could be pronounced correctly with Zhuyin, and unexpected findings pointed to Taiwanese students’ difficulty in pronouncing voiced palatal liquid /r/.



This study investigated the negative outcome of learning L2 phones with the assistance of L1 phonetic symbols and inferred the principles underlying learners' choice of Zhuyin characters in replacing certain L2 sounds. Based on the findings, predictable will be what Zhuyin symbols will be used to help Taiwanese learners produce sounds that are acoustically closer to the target phoneme. Nevertheless, the present study has not been complete enough to fashion a tangible solution to this problem yet. Future studies can focus on devising new teaching methods that can assist students who have learnt English pronunciation through Zhuyin characters and who still have difficulty distinguishing certain English consonant pairs. Also, an investigation on means of helping Zhuyin-assisted learners of English acquire more native-like English prosodic structure will be worth conducting for future linguists.



Bassetti, B. (2008). Orthographic input and second language phonology. In Piske, T. and Young-Scholten, M. (eds.), Input Matters in SLA. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, 191-206.

Buzan, T. (1991). Use Both Sides of Your Brain. 1994. New York, NY: Plume. Chen, A. S. W. (2011). The Role of Zhuyin in English Auditory Word Learning. English Teaching & Learning, 35(3), 51-87.


   簡士捷老師 (Interviewee: Paul Chien, Adjunct Associate Professor of AWEC)

Since 2008, Paul has been teaching academic writing at NTU for 11 years. The disciplines he has taught – from finance, life science, civil engineering, public health, to clinical dentistry – is as diverse as the depth of his commitment to course material preparation. The key to Paul's successful preparation for his writing courses in the disciplines (WID) consists in his pre-course journal exploration and on-the-job learning with the specific needs of students. Paul grabs every opportunity to talk to his students in class or during the break, impressing people with his eagerness to refine his pedagogy. "A teacher at AWEC should always be well-prepared," remarks Paul when talking about his identity as a writing educator across disciplines.

The following three books are recommended by Paul to navigate readers to a deeper look at the knowledge and skills of teaching academic writing in different disciplines.

1. Bitchener, J., Storch, N., & Wette, R. (Eds.). (2017). Teaching writing for academic purposes to multilingual students: Instructional approaches. New York: Routledge.

2. Habibi, P., & Hyland, K. (Eds.) (2019). Novice writers and scholarly publication. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

3. Swales, J. M., & Feak, C. B. (2012). Academic writing for graduate students: Essential tasks and skills. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.


108-1學期舉辦之演講,有溝通策略、口語表達、學術寫作等相關主題,希望藉由「學術力。立迅學」系列活動增強同學寫作與溝通表達的專業能力,從基本的人際關係溝通,到更高層次的跨文化溝通策略,皆能從中受益;本學期也將持續辦理 60 場由本中心專業老師提供的寫作諮詢服務,歡迎同學踴躍報名參加。演講時間與講者資訊,整理如下:

.10/09 (Wed.) |溝通策略新學:從遊戲中學會換位思考 (鄒博全講師 | 啟點文化有限公司)

.10/14 (Mon.)/10/16 (Wed.)/10/18 (Fri.)|三分鐘英語學術簡報技巧攻略 (臺大/臺科大/師大場)

.12/4 (Wed.) |學術中文寫作科技論文常見問題 (沈婉霖老師 | 清華大學中文系)

.12/9 (Mon.) |跨文化與跨世代溝通的挑戰與策略 (The Challenge and Strategies for Cross-cultural and Cross-generation Communication) (李振清教授 | 世新大學英語學系終身榮譽教授)


臺大寫作教學中心Academic Writing Education Center


活動聯絡資訊Contact Info: ntuawec@ntu.edu.tw ; 02-3366-1480

