
No. 40  May 2019




本期範文賞析(SPOTLIGHT),邀請本中心的黃翊之老師撰文,談論其如何運用中、英文並行的教學策略,兼顧語言與認知層面的學習目標,發揮最大的教學效益。本期教師專訪(STAR OF THE MONTH)為江介維老師,分享他如何將魔術表演融入英文教學中,從心理層面帶動學生的肢體表現以及穩健台風。讀者園地(PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS)節錄中心演講「科學說人話:科普寫作入門技巧」的精華摘要,引領讀者重新體會科普文的寫作要領與核心價值。

"As full of spirit as the month of May,

And gorgeous as the sun at midsummer,

Wanton as youthful goats, wild as young bulls."


-- Henry IV (Act 4 Scene 1)

by William Shakespeare



黃翊之老師 撰文 (Dr. Adrian Huang, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Academic Writing Education Center, NTU)

Strategies Applied under Language Immersion


Language immersion is a technique applied in bilingual language education in which two languages are exchangeably used for instruction in a variety of subjects, like fine arts, natural science, or social studies (Starr, 2016). Programs on language immersion anticipate the English language learner to learn English from the beginning, with their native language playing very little or even no part in daily lessons. Language immersion programs do not generally aim to achieve competency in the foreign language but to gain a further understanding and appreciation of other cultures. These programs specifically assist in building English skills or a progression of classes from basic to advanced, at which time the learner is deemed ready to be mainstreamed in English-only academic courses.

According to Reyes and Kleyn (2010), language immersion programs can be divided into two main styles for learning options: bilingual and immersion. Bilingual programs incorporate English and the students' first language for instruction, allowing English language learners to learn academic content using the home language, whereas in immersion, or monolingual programs, teachers instruct in English only. Compared with immersion, bilingual is more widespread. Also known as dual programs, bilingual programs use two languages for literacy and content instruction for all students and offer a practical alternative to English-only classes. In the United States (U.S.), bilingual programs use English and a partner language, often Spanish. The programs provide the same academic content and address the same standards as other educational programs. They offer instruction in the two languages over an extended period of time, from kindergartens through adult English as a Second Language (ESL) levels. Instruction is in the partner language at least 50% of the time. As Himmele and Himmele (2009) described, both native English speakers and native speakers of another language are provided with an opportunity to experience cognitively intense concept development while learning another language in dual immersion classes.

In my current class, Academic Writing in English, at National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan, my instruction is given in both languages at a predetermined ratio of time, e.g., 75 percent English and 25 percent Mandarin, without having content be repeated. In this bilingual style, English language learners and native English speakers enjoy the cognitive and social benefits of learning a new subject. From my previous experience as an English teacher, nevertheless, in an ESL center at a university in the U.S., methodology using bilingual or dual-language delivery is challenging. Northern Illinois University (NIU) has international students from over 50 countries, with a population that speaks more than 40 different native languages. Hiring staff to teach both in English and in the students’ native language will be fiscally unfathomable. Even in realizing that the majority of ESL students at NIU are of Hispanic descent, hiring teachers who are bilingual in English and Spanish would be difficult to accomplish and will alienate other students who are not Hispanic. Therefore, international students at NIU must rely on immersion methods as the delivery choice, as do most ESL students.

Whether in bilingual programs or immersion programs, it is imperative for educators to provide a variety of classroom activities for learners. The use of language learning strategies is direct or indirect, based upon the proficiency levels of the learners, as well as whether the learners were determined to be effective or ineffective (Bai, 2016). In my classes, the following strategies have been applied to assist learners: guessing intelligently, creating mental linkages, applying images and sounds, employing action, receiving and sending messages, analyzing and reasoning, creating structure for input and output, reviewing and practicing, and overcoming limitations in speaking and writing. These strategies represent direct, cognitive thinking by the students. Through these strategies, either in a bilingual style or an immersion style, students are able to advance their learning performance.


Bai, B. (2016). Writing strategies and strategy-based instruction in Singapore primary schools.

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Himmele, P., & Himmele, W. (2009). The language-rich classroom: A research-based framework for teaching English language learners. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Reyes, S. A., & Kleyn, T. (2010). Teaching in 2 languages: A guide for k-12 bilingual educators. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Starr, R. L. (2017). Sociolinguistic variation and acquisition in two-way language immersion: Negotiating the standard. Tonawanda, NY: Multilingual Matters.


受訪老師: 江介維老師 (Interviewee: Jie-Wei Jiang, Editor of AWEC Newsletter, NTU)

Jie-Wei Jiang has taught a variety of English courses, including Fundamentals of English Writing, English Writing for Academic Purposes, and English Writing for Academic Pursuit, at NTU for six years. While the instruction of writing is his passion, making this process intriguing for both students and teachers is his ambition. Magic, as his hobby for over ten years, pops up as an effective means, if not amazing, for this goal. "I have coached quite a few students, aged 10 to 60, to perform on different occasions," as Jie-Wei recalls his talent education career, "and the results of their performance often go far beyond their expectation." One show that took place on the opening ceremony for the welcome party between students from National Taiwan University and students from University of Tsukuba still remains crystal clear in Jie-Wei's mind, as he witnesses how his students managed to present themselves successfully and attractively in English and win the thunderous applause of every single participant in the end.

For those who are charmed into further exploration of magic in theory and applications, the following resources – ranging from entertainment, education, to academic discussion – are provided for their reference:

1. Now You See Me directed by Louis Leterrier (2013).

2. Entertaining Education: A Comprehensive Guide to Creating and       Performing Educational Magic written by Doug Scheer (2014).

3. Journal of Performance Magic published by the University of Huddersfield Press (2013-present).



講員:蘇虹菱 老師

日期:2019/04/26 (五) 10:20-12:10









          以上的前置作業完成後,剩下的步驟就是蒐集點子、擬定大綱、寫草稿、修改後完稿。在蒐集點子方面,老師分享自己常用的方式為善用便利貼蒐集靈感,同時也可方便編排呈現的順序。擬定大綱時,希望我們能夠善用五個W一個H(Who, When, What, Where, Why, How)的原則進行謀篇。寫完草稿之後,負責任的寫作者應自我檢閱並修正;在修改稿件時,最好能夠拿給親朋好友,或者請與書寫領域較無直接相關的讀者閱讀,以發掘自己的寫作盲點。




