試用資料庫: Bloomsbury Architecture Library全球建築資料庫
一、 資料庫簡介
「Bloomsbury Architecture Library」是一個多元化的建築學研究工具,收錄豐富的文本、圖像、及互動式內容,並提供交叉檢索功能,對於學術研究與創新教學均有助益。
l 收錄Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture,是建築歷史的經典權威參考書,進入以全球視角所全新改寫的第21版。
l 現有42本電子書,並定期加入Bloomsbury新出版的有關建築歷史、理論、設計、城市規劃、景觀和室內設計的各種學術電子書,包括The Handbook of Interior Architecture and Design。
l 豐富的視覺內容,來自Sir Banister Fletcher的2000幅圖像和National Archive at Kew的600張圖像、點選式世界地圖、互動式時間軸。
l 可依地點、時期、風格、或民族文化瀏覽內容。
「Bloomsbury Architecture Library」is a dynamic research tool for architecture and architecture studies. With cross-searchable access to an expanding range of text, image, and interactive content, this dynamic platform is essential for academics and provides innovative educational resources for students.
l Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture, the classic, authoritative reference for architecture history, enters its 21st edition completely rewritten and up-todate with a fully global perspective
l 42 eBooks with regular updates of new Bloomsbury architecture publications, including a wide-range of scholarly eBooks on architecture, architectural history, theory, design, urbanism, landscape, and interiors, including The Handbook of Interior Architecture and Design
l Rich visual content with 2000 images from Sir Banister Fletcher and 600 images from the National Archive at Kew, clickable world map, and interactive timeline
l Browse contents by place, period, style, or peoples and cultures
二、 資料庫連線方式
1. 請從本館網頁點選「研究資源」→「電子資源」→「資料庫」→「試用資料庫」→ 點選欲查詢的資料庫名稱。若於校外,請先設定校外連線VPN。
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