Hyunhee Park老師介紹
(圖片來源:The City University of New York, John Jay College and the Graduate Center)
Hyunhee Park 老師主講:Mapping and Exploration during the Mongol Period
- 講 題:Mapping and Exploration during the Mongol Period
- 主講人:Hyunhee Park/Associate Professor of History, The City University of New York, John Jay College and the Graduate Center
- 主持人:許雅惠/臺大歷史系副教授
- 時 間:2018年6月4日(週一)15:30-17:30
- 地 點:臺大歷史系會議室
- 講者介紹:
Hyunhee Park 教授專長為蒙元時期的東西交流,特別關注中國與伊斯蘭世界製作的地圖,以及地圖所顯示的地理知識與世界認知,Mapping the Chinese and Islamic Worlds: Cross-Cultural Exchange in Pre-Modern Asia (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012)一書為其近年重要的研究成果。
- 演講摘要:
One of the most influential transfers of geographic knowledge in world history occurred in Afro-Eurasia during the Pax Mongolica that lasted from the mid-thirteenth to the mid-fourteenth centuries. The foundation of the Mongol Empire, which stretched from Hungary to the Pacific, facilitated movements of people, goods, and ideas across the Afro-Eurasian continent. These unprecedented cross-cultural contacts led to the dissemination of new and more detailed and realistic information about the wider world through travelers to their homelands, and soon this information found its way into professional geographic accounts and maps that helped people to view the world in a novel way. This talk, “Mapping and Exploration,” aims to address major cases of mapping based on knowledge transfers, including the Kangnido in East Asia and the Catalan Atlas in Europe, as well as diverse aspects of cross-cultural exploration affirmed in travel accounts, such as Marco Polo’s Il Milione, that contributed to expanding new knowledge about other societies. These new and more concrete forms of geographic understanding of the wider world, as they circulated through the Mongol world, inspired some political leaders, scholars, and merchants to expand contact beyond their cultural worlds, which in turn led to unprecedentedly large, distant and frequent global interconnection into the fifteenth century and beyond.