Applications are invited for the position of a Chair of School of Pharmacy, NTU. Qualifications of the prospective candidates include full professorship in pharmacy or pharmacy-related field, having excellent research achievements, leadership with international perspective, and commitment in pharmacy education. Applications must provide a statement explicitly addressing each of the criteria listed in the statement information for appointment of Chairs. They should also include a Curriculum Vitae that lists teaching experience and achievements, peer-reviewed and invited publications, reprints of the publications, letters of recommendation by three faculties of pharmacy or related fields, the name, position title, mail and e-mail address of five professional referees, as well as a statement of his/her goal and strategies in pharmacy education and research. The application should be sent to Chair Search Committee, School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, 12F NO.33, LINSEN S. RD., Taipei 10051, Taiwan. Phone: 886-2-33668750~4; Fax: 886-2-23919098.
The date of receiving application documents by Chair Search Committee is May 30, 2016.