ISSN 2072-6368
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70年後的重逢:Otto Scheerer之孫與祖父藏書相見歡
臺大圖書館所藏Otto Scheerer文庫,原為臺北帝國大學語言學教室藏書。多數的藏書已被重新裝訂過,上有Taihoku Imperial University與Scheerer文庫號等字樣(圖一)。書籍內頁則有臺大語言學研究室「セーラ文庫」書標(圖二)。部分藏書內頁並有Otto Scheerer本人簽名、藏書印或致贈予Otto Scheerer等之題字(圖三)。目前本文庫屬於特藏東南亞資料的一部分。
根據蘇薌雨教授於1967年發表於國語日報《書和人》第58期文章所述,本文庫原為馬尼拉任教的德籍語言學家Otto Scheerer藏書,內容多與菲律賓各種方言、菲律賓史地及民俗學相關,1941年購自Scheerer夫人。 |
圖一:Otto Scheerer文庫之書脊
Figure 1. The rebound book spines. |
Figure 2. The specially designed stickers
for Scheerer Collection. |
圖三:書名頁上的Otto Scheerer簽名或藏書章
Figure 3. Otto Scheerer’s signature or name seal
on the title pages. |
Dr. Richard Scheerer為Otto Scheerer之孫,目前定居美國。自1996年起戮力研究其祖父生平,並將所蒐集到的資料捐贈給University of the Philippines Baguio 。2014年7月21日,Richard Scheerer為採集Otto Scheerer著作《Sagen der Atayalen auf Formosa》中紀錄的泰雅族語,而特地來臺,並協同本校語言學研究所宋麗梅教授至泰雅部落訪問。(Otto Scheerer曾於菲律賓北部的Baguio進行語言學研究,目前菲律賓大學Baguio校區即位於Otto Scheerer曾擁有的咖啡園所在地上。《相關資訊由Richard Scheerer提供。》)
2014年7月22日,Richard Scheerer因於網路上查到臺大圖書館「伊能文庫」數位典藏中有其祖父致伊能嘉矩之信件,而進一步來館詢問是否有相關信函,亦提供自己蒐集的Otto Scheerer著作目錄一份。沒想到進而得知祖父的藏書收藏於臺大圖書館!
圖四:Richard Scheerer與Otto Scheerer藏書相見歡
Figure 4. Dr. Richard Scheerer and Otto Scheerer Collection
因為機會難得,圖書館特藏組破例邀請Richard Scheerer至書庫參觀其祖父藏書(圖四),Richard Scheerer非常開心感動,亦與特藏組館員們分享了許多祖父生平逸事,包括Otto Scheerer曾因支持菲律賓獨立運動,而被美國政府逐出菲律賓,之後到日本定居,與其祖母Toyo Kaiho結婚(圖五),晚年時亦曾來臺進行語言調查。Richard Scheerer亦決定回美後對祖父的藏書目錄做進一步的研究。
圖五:Otto Scheerer全家福(Richard Scheerer提供。)
左1:Otto Scheerer之妻Toyo Kaiho;左2:Otto Scheerer之女Elizabeth;左3:Otto Scheerer;左4:Otto Scheerer之子Frank。
Figure 5. Otto Scheerer and family. (Courtesy of Richard Scheerer.)
From left to right: Toyo Kaiho (wife), Elizabeth (daughter), Otto Scheerer, Frank (son). |
目前可於館藏目錄上檢索的Otto Scheerer藏書約有276冊,可透過圖書館館藏目錄的「進階階查詢」檢索相關資料,步驟如圖六、七所示。
Figure 6. Advanced Search function of library’s catalogue.
Figure 7. Use “other call number” from the advanced search function, and enter “Scheerer” as keyword.
Otto Scheerer’s Grandson Rejoiced with Grandfather's Book Collection
Otto Scheerer was a renowned German linguist, who did most of his studies in Baguio, Philippines. His coffee plantation is now University of the Philippines' Baguio campus. Due to his support towards the independence of Philippines, Otto Scheerer was forced to move away and met his wife Toyo Kaiho in Japan.
(Related information provided by Richard Scheerer.)
Dr. Richard Scheerer, the grandson of Otto Scheerer, has been studying everything about his grandfather since 1996. He and Professor Li-May Sung from the Linguistics Department visited a village of the Payasan group of Atayal to record an old priest who spoke the Atayal dialect that Otto Scheerer used for his last publication, "Sagen der Atayalen auf Formosa".
(Related information provided by Richard Scheerer.)
Richard Scheerer came to Special Collections, National Taiwan University Library on July 22, 2014, in search of his grandfather’s letters to Kanori Ino. Instead, he learned that his grandfather’s books are actually preserved in National Taiwan University Library. In honour of the exciting event, we invited Dr. Richard Scheerer to take a tour inside to meet with his grandfather’s books. Dr. Richard Scheerer was very happy about this new discovery, and would share this lovely news with his families.
The earliest article that has mentioned Otto Scheerer Collection was written by Professor Hsiang-Yu Su in 1967. It is said that the collection was purchased from Mrs. Scheerer in 1941.
The Otto Scheerer Collection we know of today has a few extinguishing features: (1) the books in the collection were rebound and each spine of the books has a Scheerer Collection number and the name of Taihoku Imperial University on them; (2) a specially designed sticker could be found in the books; (3) some of the books have Otto Scheerer’s signature, name seal, or inscriptions from other authors to Scheerer on their title pages.
The current existing collection could be found through our library’s catalogue. Please use the “other call number” tab in our advanced search function to search for Otto Scheeerer Collection, as shown in figure 6 and 7.
參考資料 References ▎
Vincent Cabreza (2011). Penetrating the Silence on a Baguio Pioneer’s life. Retrieved from: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/16933/penetrating-the-silence-on-a-baguio-pioneer%E2%80%99s-life
Villanueva, C. B. (2013). Preserving Cordillera culture and history through the University of the Philippines Baguio Cordillera
Studies Collection Library and UP Baguio Cordillera/Northern Luzon Historical Archives. Retrieved from:
何淑銘、李明玲、林 琦、林雅惠、張端桂、張簡碧芬、陳巧倫、陳南秀、陳靜慧、曾慶輝、黃瑜焯、趙子萱
郭嘉文、林 琦
林 琦 |