

airitiBooks 華藝中文電子書 將於8月19日(週)9:00至19:00停機進行更版作業,期間暫停服務。敬請參考廠商公告訊息如下:



為提供您更豐富與更優質網站使用體驗,airitiBooks華藝中文電子書服務平台將於:2013/08/19 () 09:00 ~ 19:00,暫停系統平台服務,進行網站改版更新。系統更新期間,如您有任何使用問題請 email books@airiti.com,或與各業務人員聯繫,我們將優先回覆處理,造成您的不便之處,敬請見諒

Dear Sir / Madam, 

This is the announcement to inform you that the airitiBooks.com
will be temporarily out of service as we are undergoing a system upgrade during
2013/08/19 (Mon) 09:00 ~ 19:00

We are very sorry for this inconvenience.

If you have any problem, please feel free to contact us at books@airiti.com,  our customer service will get back to you ASAP.




聯絡電話: 02-3366-4554

聯絡信箱: libacq@ntu.edu.tw

發佈日期: 2013/8/15
