Since I will be teaching in the History Department this spring, I thought you would all like to know a little about my personal and professional background.
I was born in a kibbutz (a communal village) in Israel in 1954, and was raised in Tel Aviv, on the shores of the Mediterranean. Tel Aviv shares some characteristics with Taipei, though it is much smaller. It is messy, lively, stays up late and gets up early, and has a rather complicated relationship with the rest of the country as well as the Jewish Diaspora. It was a little provincial town with great aspirations when I was a child, and it is a bigger town with even greater cosmopolitan aspirations now.
I served in the Israeli army in the early 1970s and then acquired a first degree in History at the University of Tel Aviv. After some time in Germany and the United States I completed my D.Phil. at St. Antony's College, Oxford, in the early 1980s and taught for several years at Tel Aviv before moving to the United States, where I have been teaching at Brown University, in Providence, Rhode Island, since 2000. I am married to Wai-yee Li (李惠儀), who is professor of Chinese literature at Harvard, and we have two children who are with us here in Taipei. (詳全文)(原文刊載於《臺大歷史系學術通訊》第十期)
▲白德甫(Omer Bartov)教授