Wiley、Elsevier 電子百科共7種
圖書館新增7種電子百科如下(簡介摘錄自出版社網頁) :
- International Encyclopedia of Public Health : An authoritative and comprehensive guide to the major issues, challenges, methods, and approaches of global public health.
- Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology : It focuses on the following areas: Functional Phenomena, Structural Phenomena, Fundamental Core Theory, Structural Materials, Polymers and Materials Chemistry, Functional Materials.
- Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources : It is a truly interdisciplinary reference for those working with batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, supercapacitors, and photo-electrochemical cells.
- Encyclopedia of Inland Waters : It describes and explains all the basic features of the subject, from water chemistry and physics, to the biology of aquatic creatures and the complex function and balance of aquatic ecosystems of varying size and complexity.
- Nanotechnologies for the Life Sciences : This first comprehensive source will give you a unique perspective to the fascinating field where nanoscale materials and living matter meet.
- Encyclopedia of Applied Physics : It provides the basic principles and in-depth coverage of all technically pertinent areas of modern-day physics, coupled with technological applications from real life.
- Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology : It is a new up-to-date resource for the global biotechnology industry.
發布日期 : 2010.12.22