
Write It Well 

The most challenging of tasks for many of my students is to write a quality essay.  This rests on the fact that it’s difficult for them to organize their thoughts and put them on paper, much less do it in English.

But let this not be a deterrent.  It just takes some time, dedication, and a few good tricks to give your essay a semblance of a professional’s.  And once you have a grasp of it, your skills can be carried over into almost every aspect of communication in your own native language.   

Here are a few pointers to start you off on the right track:

1. Use ''first,'' ''second,'' or ''third,'' to help sequence your ideas.  Once you have a good feel of how to flow your ideas, you can discard them.

2. Put your thesis statement at the bottom of your introductory paragraph, and have your topic sentence at the top of each body paragraph.

3. Train yourself not to use ''because,'' or you will continue to depend on it.  Overusing it can make your writing look a tad juvenile.

4. Use metaphors and figurative language to add character and style.

5. Read from various materials so that you will become more in tune with the ways in which writers apply persuasion and wisdom. You should know a few key words to help you put in place the last pieces for a complete picture.

筆者為任教於台大語文中心外籍教師 Johnson Lai


A. 主題性會話課程;英語表達與溝通、多媒體學英文、時事話題、英文演講實務、商用會話、高級會話。

B. 研究生專區:基礎論文寫作、論文字彙與用法。

C. 高級寫作訓練:高級文法、論述文寫作、新聞閱讀與寫作。

D. 考試實力培養:針對TOEFL iBT(托福)、IELTS(雅思)、TOEIC(多益)、以及全民英檢中高級(GEPT)考試準備。

自2010年起,日本語能力試驗(JLPT)改為N1, N2, N3, N4, N5五個級數,本期的「日語能力檢定考專修班」將針對最高級N1及N2考試內容加以準備,由台大日文系安排的師資陣容,提供學員循序漸進的學習,培養考試實力。每個級數各開一班,將於3月1日起接受報名,名額有限,額滿為止唷!





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