


Along with the saying that there seem to be no spelling rules in English, a group of researchers may have provided one more excuse for making wrong spelling. They concluded from a study that the occurrence of wrong spelling is due to people's knowing too many words. In other words, people make mistakes because they often wrongly apply the spelling rules. "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing", here comes another example......

Please someone tell me how to "SOTP"


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◎ 寫作諮詢 開張囉~


◎ 第二十三期自學包裹上線啦!


另外,由於author plus系統更新的關係,各位同學請麻煩到這邊把flash player更新到9.0.124.0版本喔!



Postgraduate: Academic words

你是不是老覺得看不懂學術期刊寫的單字或句型?還是你覺得自己程度不錯,想要學點更高階的單字?在Author plus裡的學術字彙單元絕對是你增進英文實力的最佳利器!裡面有各種學術領域必學的學術字彙,還有豐富的克漏字測驗,讓你既學會新單字,又可以了解這些字的用法喔!


讀了這麼多年,台大的自學資源你到底知道多少?其實在English Freeway裡頭有很多好用的學習軟體喔,保證你聽說讀寫都可以突飛猛進,趕快來看看吧!!









It's just that I'm too smart. So, don't blame me if I don't spell right.
After having a drink with Frank, Wayne has got home, and is telling Annie what happened in the interview, and about his conversation with Frank.

Wayne: Babe, do you also think that correct spelling is important?

Annie: Yeah, I think so. Correct spelling is of course important. What's going on, hon?

Wayne: Well, it's just that the interview I went to this afternoon. I didn't do quite well.

Annie: What do you mean you didn't do quite well?

Wayne: My spelling is crook, as you already know. And it happened that the manager who interviewed me was extremely picky about the correctness of spelling. He knocked back all the applicants who had got wrong spelling in their CVs. For him, wrong spelling was like a pain in the neck.

Annie: Don't worry, hon. Since you're not knocked back at the first stage, I suppose you're not the pain in his neck.

After a few seconds, it came to Annie that...

Annie: Unless you wrote something...

Wayne: What?

Annie: Did you fill out any documents in the interview?

Wayne: Yeah, I did, and that's why I'm so worrying now.

Annie: Why didn't you keep a close eye on your spelling?

Wayne: I did, and that's what caused the problem. The more I wanted to make sure my spelling was correct, the more confusion I got. I checked and revised my spelling again and again. But when I told Frank in the bar about that, he told me all of my corrections were wrong.

Annie: You corrected the words of correct spelling to wrong spelling. So you then hand in a paper with words of wrong spelling. Well, that really sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Wayne: Yeah, to satisfy the taste of bitterness. You know, English words are not spelt based on any logical rules. For example, why couldn't I spell "supersede" with "C-E-D-E", like "intercede" or "precede"?

Annie: So you spelt "supersede" with "C-E-D-E"?

Wayne: Yeah, because I just applied the knowledge about the spelling of "intercede" or "precede" to "supersede" even though I'd never actually used that word in my writing before. And also, "liquefy". Why is it "L-I- Q-U-E-F-Y, not "L-I-Q-U-I-F-Y? Isn't it related to liquid? I made mistakes for applying some spelling rules, which are to be broken in English. I know too much, so I'm too smart to get the spelling right, I reckon.

Annie: I don't think it's because you're too smart; instead, it's because they're derived from Latin. English is not a perfect language itself. We need heaps of foreign words or word-roots to express the world around us.

Wayne: You're losing me, babe. Use English, please.

Annie: Ok, take "broccoli" as an example, one of the green vegies allowed to appear on your vegie menu. "Broccoli" is derived from Italian; or "lieutenant", your father's rank in the Air Force. That's from French; or "insomnia", the title of the film we watched last week. That's also from Latin; and also......

Wayne: Really! That's cool. So, it means that I also speak Italian, French, and even Latin.

Annie: Well, if thinking that knowing "broccoli" means knowing Italian can make you happy, then 'yes', you can speak heaps of languages.

Wayne: Woo, that's really cool. Then, how about Chinese, Japanese or Korean? Do I speak those languages?

Annie: Well, let me think...... "kung fu", "dim sum" and "mahjong" are from Chinese; "sushi" and "karate" are from Japanese; then Korean...oh, "kimchi" is from Korean.

Wayne: I didn't know I am so multi-lingual. See, I'm a genius.

Annie: Ok, it's great news to finally know that my hubby is a genius. So, did you get the result after the interview?

Wayne: No, the jury was still out when I left the company.

Annie: Anyway, no worries, hon. You're home now, so just put your feet up, forget about the interview, and then I'll make you a cup of coffee, and you get a dictionary for your leisure reading.



hon (n) = honey
broccoli (n): 花椰菜
crook (adj) = bad
lieutenant (n): 中尉(軍階)
picky (adj): 挑剔的;吹毛求疵的
insomnia (n): 失眠症
knock back (v phr): 剔掉;打回
kung fu (n): 功夫
fill out (v phr): 填寫
dim sum (n): 港式點心
bitterness (n): 苦味;悲痛
mahjong (n): 麻將
intercede (v): 仲裁;調解
karate (n): 空手道
precede (v): 在…之前;優於,較…優先
kimchi (n): 韓國泡菜
liquefy (v): 液化
multi-lingual (adj): 多種語言的
derive from (v phr): 衍生自...
hubby (n) = husband


a pain in the neck: 形容很小,但卻非常惱人的錯誤;更粗俗的說法是"a pain in the arse"
keep a close eye on: 仔細地檢查
a recipe for disaster: 意指 "所有會做錯的事都做了,所以極有可能不會有好結果"
the jury was still out: 意指 "能做決定的人還沒做出決定"
put your feet up = relax



(Telegraph) People can be too clever to spell

(Times Online) It’s proof of what you’ve always known: you’re too clever to be good at spelling


English Freeway

編輯:滕 偉

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