


Debating the Best Way to Learn a Language

Photo from VOA NEWS




在各國反對聲浪之中,北韓發射了多階段火箭(multi-stage rocket)。雖然火箭第一階段後就失敗,未能把人造觀測衛星(observation satellite)送上軌道,但各國仍同聲撻伐,將之視為挑釁行為(provocation),也違反聯合國決議(resolution)。更有情報指出,北韓的下一階段是地下的核子試爆(underground explosions of nuclear devices)。更多關於軍事與國際政治的英文表達法都在本期的自學包裹裡。

聽力訓練在本期一起來聽有 「絕世金嗓 (The Voice)」 美名的已故西洋天后Whitney Houston的經典名曲「I Will Always Love You」,一同欣賞這位金嗓天后的傳奇歌聲。」

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Debating the Best Way to Learn a Language



Please click on the link to listen to the news clip and answer the following questions.

I. Vocabulary

Vocabulary Check-up

necessarily [used in negatives to mean 'in every case' or 'therefore']

explicit  [clear and exact]

implicit  [suggested but not communicated directly]

immerse  [to become completely involved in something]

curriculum  [the group of subjects studied in a school, college, etc]

warrant  [to say that you are certain about something]


Fill in the blanks with one of the words from the word list above. After you finish, use mouse drag to select the text to reveal the hidden answer.

1. The professor is busy preparing his chemistry curriculum plan.

2. The storekeeper warrantedthe goods as of the first quality.

3. She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and culture.

4. I gave her very explicit directions how to get here..

5. He interpreted her comments as an implicit criticism of the government.

6. You may love someone without necessarily wanting to marry them


II. Listening Comprehension / True or False.

Fill in the blanks with T or F. After you finish, use mouse drag to select the text to reveal the hidden answer.

1. _(T)_ According to the study, foreign language learning in adults has basically two different methods, i.e., classroom method and immersion method.

2. _(F)_ The explicit method is by being with native speakers and absorbing the language that surrounds them.

3. _(F)_ Mr. Ullman is a professor of languages at Georgetown University in Washington.

4. _(F)_ Based on the finding of Professor Ullman, combing the two methods can greatly help the brain in processing the new language.

5. _(T)_ The research found that those who had learned the language with the immersion method had brain waves similar to those of native speakers of a language when speaking it.

6. _(F)_ The explicit group did not show native-like in their brain processing.

7. _(F)_ Based on the research, Professor Ullman will make some curriculum changes.

8. _(T)_ Mr. Ullman would like to see maximum proficiency in different aspects of language in his further research.


Answer key:

I. 1. curriculum, 2. warranted, 3. immersed, 4. explicit, 5. implicit, 6. necessarily

II. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. T



English Freeway


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