


Global Leaders, Health Experts Press New Plan to Reduce Child Mortality






在各國反對聲浪之中,北韓發射了多階段火箭(multi-stage rocket)。雖然火箭第一階段後就失敗,未能把人造觀測衛星(observation satellite)送上軌道,但各國仍同聲撻伐,將之視為挑釁行為(provocation),也違反聯合國決議(resolution)。更有情報指出,北韓的下一階段是地下的核子試爆(underground explosions of nuclear devices)。更多關於軍事與國際政治的英文表達法都在本期的自學包裹裡。

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※ Choose the best answer to each blank to complete the following article.

Global Leaders, Health Experts Press New Plan to Reduce Child Mortality


Vidushi Sinha

June 15, 2012

Top officials from 80 nations and a broad coalition of public and private health groups are calling __1.__ intensified global efforts to __2.__ the number of children under five dying from preventable diseases. Public health officials say the ambitious new strategy __3.__ to reduce child mortality from 7.6 million to one million annually within two decades.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton __4.__ hundreds international health leaders and government representatives who met recently in Washington to redouble their efforts to __5.__child mortality.  

“One day, all children - wherever they are born - will have the same chance to survive,” she said.

Most delegates at the meeting already know the goal can be achieved through a variety of inexpensive and effective medical interventions. Anthony Lake, executive director of the U.N. children's relief agency, UNICEF, says the challenge is finding the political will to do it.

“We have a lot of work to do. Rhetoric is one thing and results are another, and we are going to achieve it,” he said.

Lake says one new goal for the U.N. agency is to target the five countries that annually __6.__ nearly half of these preventable child deaths.

“We know through new methods and through __7.__ work and through work in especially __8.__ communities that we can achieve this goal and if we can achieve it [then] we have to achieve it,” he said.

“This time it is different," said Dr. Raj Shah, administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development. "You see the five countries that have 50 percent of all child mortality - India, Pakistan, Nigeria, DRC and Ethiopia coming - being co-hosts - making strong statements about their national strategies, commitments, resources, and score cards. You see international organizations being willing to hold themselves __9.__.”

Shah is hopeful the new way forward of targeting resources into the most affected countries is a better __10.__ to reducing child mortality.  

“There is no excuse why anybody dies __11.__ malaria," said Ray Chambers, the U.N. Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Malaria. "And that’s why we turned up the __12.__- to eliminate deaths.”

Most deaths among children under five result __13.__ preventable illnesses such as malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea, and from neonatal complications.

“It has to be __14.__ by the political will of each and every country - each leader at the national level, at the province level, at the district level has to support it,” said Seth Berkley, who heads the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI).

Berkley says success in these efforts will require taking full __15.__ ofnew diagnostic technologies and new medicines - and making health services __16.__ to everyone who needs them.

1. A) for B) off C) from D) on

2. A) assess B) compress C) estimate D) curb

3. A) designed B) developed C) aims D) looks

4. A) claimed B) urged C) suspected D) emphasized

5. A) combat B) dispute C) debate D) conform

6. A) compile up B) accumulate C) account for D) cause

7. A) delectate B) dedicated C) delicate D) delegate

8. A) foreign B) charity C) religious D) disadvantaged

9. A) to account B) back C) for a thought D) on

10. A) theory B) scheme C) approach D) protocol

11. A) on B) from C) to  D) as

12. A) chaos B) situation C) rumor D) heat

13. A) in  B) to C) from D) into

14. A) driven B) accelerated C) expected D) examined

15. A) responsibility B) advantage C) opportunity D) credit

16. A) reversible B) curable C) detectable D) accessible


Ans: 1. A 2.D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 

9. A 10. C 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B 16. D


Source: http://www.voanews.com/content/global-leaders-health-experts-press-new-plan-to-reduce-child-mortality/1211773.html

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