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After Fukushima, Nations Put Nuke Plant Development On Hold





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MyET 英語口說團體競賽 (MyET English Recitation Group Competition)

視聽教育館將舉行「MyET 英語口說團體競賽」,以鼓勵台大修習大一英文課程的班級學生,藉由「MyET-My English Tutor」學習軟體,增進英語口說能力,已準備有最新「朗文當代英英辭典」「英語寫作活用辭典」, 及「Longman Exam Dictionary(三擇一)或小說作為成績表現優異的獎品。請鼓勵班上同學參加99學年度的競賽。競賽時間如下:

MyET Competition II: 2011/03/21~2011/05/01 (6 weeks)

MyET Competition III: 2011/05/09 ~2011/06/12 (5 weeks)

比賽資訊: http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ntuavc/myet_contest_result/myet_contest_99.htm

為了將更多得獎機會留給其他同學,故99-1 得獎的同學,原則上可以參加,但是若是成績在前20名,則無法領許獎狀及獎品,將由之後的組別遞補。

◎ E-freeway Orientation






99學年度第二學期視聽教育館寫作工作室開放諮詢日期為:100年3月1日起至6月17日止, 諮詢週數共16週,每週一至週五各開放五個時段提供本校教職員生諮詢英語寫作或英語學習相關問題, 歡迎多加利用。視聽教育館寫作工作坊網址:http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~avwrite/consultation/consultation.htm

中級Self-study package 51, 52期上線囉!

第51期:一條微博信息能否成為一個經典的浪漫之舉;看英國女星伊莉莎白赫莉(Elizabeth Hurley)與澳洲板球明星夏恩沃恩(Shane Warne)在網上調情;看歐普拉和披頭四成員之一 Paul,領取終生成就獎;還有一位愛爾蘭搖滾之星盡其所能的協助非洲人民;就讓自學包裹成為您最放鬆的英語學習環境!

第52期:兔年能帶給你才運和幸福嗎? 葛萊美獎最新報導;以及美國名人的小道消息;更多的詳細有趣的內容,請看本期自學包裹的介紹!




feature of the week

Google Chrome

本期介紹的跟google 瀏覽器「Chrome」有關,是google為了介紹Chrome所特製的一個漫畫說明。google推出新的「工具」時,多會以多媒體方式呈現,而不單純使用字面解釋。這次google選擇使用漫畫方式來說明Chrome,真的是充份的抓住年輕人的味口。當然,對本刊讀者來說,也提供很好的機會可以接觸「道地的、實際使用」的英文 (authentic English)。

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Clarity English: Core Skills for Business Writing

針對已有基礎寫作學習者,此軟體分十個主題的講解及練習,包含商業書信、電子郵件書信、求職信、案例討論、企畫及報告等,是一套非常有效的商業文件書寫的訓練課程。 趕快來看看我們的介紹吧~

feature of the week

         Writing @ CSU

美國克羅拉多州立大學的寫作中心網站,是一個提供廣泛的線上寫作服務的網站,除了提供一般學術寫作訊息之外,它也包含商用英文寫作以及求職英文寫作等多項應用文寫作範疇。 網站上提供的留學英文以及求職英文都是實用又熱門的學習重點。CSU寫作網站提供英語教師和學生多項簡單而實用性強的寫作介紹,簡明的寫作重點指南讓人一看就懂。另外學習者也可以在線上申請寫作咨詢服務,趕快進入網站瀏覽吧!



       心靈印記 Scream of The Ants



After Fukushima, Nations Put Nuke Plant Development On Hold

April/ 6/ 2011
By Zulima Palacio

Just a few months ago, experts were talking about the "renaissance" of the nuclear power industry.  After more than two decades of relatively safe operations and with public demands growing for clean, carbon-free power plants, many nations, including the United States, seemed ready to embrace nuclear energy as a clean, safe and efficient alternative to fossil-fuels. And then came the March 11th earthquake and tsunami that severely damaged the Fukushima-Daiichi reactor complex in Japan.  Worldwide, countries like China with active nuclear power projects put them on hold for review, while Germany and several other countries simply canceled them.  Overnight, new doubts have arisen about the future of nuclear power.



I. Reading skills--Multiple choice:

1. Which of the following causes the slow development or possible cancellation of the nuclear power plan in the U.S.?
A) people’s objection and the government’s budget shortage
B) the possibility of radiation leaks and the demand of other sources of clean and renewable energy
C) the accident of radiation leaks happened in Boston and the US government’s prohibition
D) the damage of nuclear power plant in Japan and the fear of strong earthquakes

2. The supporters of nuclear power think that mishaps of nuclear power plants happen____.
A) once and for all
B) all the time
C) from time to time
D) once in a blue moon

3. Which of the following statements about building a nuclear power plant is TRUE?
A) The approval from the government is always very tedious and time-consuming.
B) Despite what happened in Fukushima, the number of new nuclear power plant goes up rapidly.
C) The cost of building a nuclear plant is actually quite economical.
D) All the governments world wide call their nuclear power plans off after the incident in Fukushima.

4. What is NOT considered as one of forms of the non-fossil fuel energy?
A) nuclear energy
B) wind power
C) solar energy
D) fire power

5. In the ending of this report, how does the report sound like regarding the future of nuclear energy?
A) optimistic
B) pessimistic 
C) doubtful
D) encouraging


II. Listening skills--transcribing:


"Nuclear power currently __6__about 14 percent of all global electricity; and the simple reality is that if we were to __7__ further nuclear development in the near term that would place a great burden on additional fossil fuel __8__," said Ebinger.  

"One small pellet in reactor fuel is __9__ one ton of coal," said Heymer. "And there are normally between 80  to 100 railroad cars full of coal that are__10__ in a power plant each day."



6-10:accounts for、forego、utilization、equivalent to、burned


Source: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/science-technology/After-Fukushima-Nations-Put-Nuke-Plant-Development-On-Hold-119361329.html

English Freeway


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