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What's Behind All The Extreme Weather?


Indian paramilitary soldiers patrol the curfew-bound streets of Srinagar, Indian Kashmir, 14 Sept. 2010
"Ike Comes Ashore"
Image Credit: NASA
Taken from Wikimedia Commons






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本期介紹一套內容多元且取材廣泛的英語學習教材--World English。這套教材取材National Geographic的圖片和影片,用真實、生活化、主題試的方式,製作不同程度的教學內容。real people、real places、real language是這一套書籍的特色,以真實的人事時地物,引領讀者從世界各地發生的真實故事來學習英文,既豐富有趣,又可擴展視野。


From the Morakot Typhoon last year to the Fanapi last month, it seems that we are facing a more and more severe climatic challenge. The heating drought in north and the massive flooding in south take a lot of prices no matter for the government, families and individuals. Why are we expecting more and more intense typhoons year after year? Is there any way that people can turn everything around and save the earth? Surely, there are reasons for stronger typhoons which are highly likely to strike us. Therefore, it is urgent that people should do something for saving our planet. Let’s take a look of the report from VOA special report on climate change, Going Green.


What's Behind All The Extreme Weather?

Hurricanes, floods, and record heat. Is the recent spate of extreme weather conditions the result of climate change? As VOA's Rebecca Ward reports, the verdict is still out.

16 September 2010
Rebecca Ward | Washington DC


Watch the vedio clip on VOA special report, and answer the following questions.


I. Listening comprehension

1. According to the climatologists, why are we expecting more and more intense typhoons year after year?

A) The evaporation of sea water brought by global warming

B) The weather just goes extreme without reasons

C) There are too many human activities which involve the emission of carbon dioxide


2. Patrick Michael from CATO Institute holds an opposite point of view regarding the emission of carbon dioxide which is widely considered as the main reason of global warming. Please point out which one of the followings is his reason?

A) Global warming was a fabricated term for covering the truth of energy crisis.

B) It is believed that there is no direct evidence so far to link the heatingtemperature and the climate change.

C) A hotter earth is not the end of the world. We still have decades to cope with the climatic crisis.


3. According to Prof. James Carton from the University of Maryland, how does carbon dioxide affect the lives in the sea?

A) The warming water kills the living creatures in the sea.

B) The acid rain falls on the sea water, which further jeopardizes the ecology in the sea.

C) Carbon dioxide increases the acidity in the sea water.


4. According to this report, what is the ultimate solution to climate change?

A) To decrease the emission of carbon dioxide.

B) To find other sustainable sources of energy.

C) To change our living behaviors.


II. Transcribing exercise

1. It’s been a long hot summer in the north, and along with the heat some _______ weathers, ________ in Atlantic and Pacific, flooding, and _______ fires.

2. In Russia, Muscovite wrestle with days of _________-________ heat.

3. While firemen fought more ______________ fires.

4. ___________ flooding in Pakistan affected nearly 20 million people and __________ 1/5 of its country.


【Vocabulary list】

1. Extreme: very large in amount or degree

2. Hemisphere: half of a sphere, especially the Earth

3. Submerge: to go below the surface of the sea or a river or lake

4. Typhoon: a violent wind which has a circular movement, found in the West Pacific Ocean

5. Hurricane: a violent wind which has a circular movement, especially found in the West Atlantic Ocean

6. Cyclone: a violent tropical storm or wind in which the air moves very fast in a circular direction, especially found in the Indian Ocean

7. Evaporation: to cause a liquid to change to a gas, especially by heating

8. Overblown: bigger or more impressive than it should be






Source: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/environment/Whats-Behind-All-The-Extreme-Weather-103054289.html

English Freeway


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