

Credo Reference


Credo Reference前名為Xreferplus,收錄全世界最主要57個大型出版社如Macmillan、Cambridge University Press、Elsevier、Blackwell、Penguin等出版社超過300種各種類型參考書,包括百科全書、字辭典、索引典、引用語辭典,內容含超過三百一十萬個詞條。主題涵蓋所有學科領域,例如ART、Business、Food、Geography、History、Language、LAW、Literature、Medicine、Music、Philosophy & Psychology、Religion、Science、Social Sciences、Technology等類別。 資料庫每月更新 。


1. 請由本館首頁點選「資料庫」→ 「資料庫名稱」 進入。

2. 限臺大校園網域內使用 ( IP為140.112.*.* ),請勿設代理伺服器。本資料庫提供校外連線服務,請參考校外連線設定說明。

3. 使用時請務必遵守出版社使用規範及版權聲明,以免觸法,並影響全校讀者之使用權益。

如有任何問題或建議,請洽圖書館推廣服務組,Tel: 02-33662326,Email: tul@ntu.edu.tw

Now Available

Brief Description:

Credo Reference is a completely customizable general reference solution for learners and librarians. Its full-text, aggregated content covers every major subject from the world's best publishers of reference. Through Credo Reference people worldwide can gain access to any of a possible 3,104,351 entries, from 308 titles and 60 publishers. For more information, please go to the Credo Reference web pages.


How to use:

1. Please go to library's homepage → click on "Databases" under "E-Resources"→ search or browse the database by subjects

2. Access to the databases is restricted by IP address inside NTU campus network. (140.112.*.*) Remote access available for valid users.

3. Please follow the regulations of publisher's license agreements for the use of databases.

Questions or suggestions? Please contact us at (02)33662326 or email: tul@ntu.edu.tw
