
資料庫試用 : World Politics Review資料庫試用


(English Description)

World Politics Review由超過400個政治研究人員組成之全球網絡成員每日撰寫發行,成員背景為各國與政治研究主題相關之記者、研究組織,學術單位,政府組織等政治主題專家。目前已有數千篇全球政治觀點專文,以每月超過 75,000字的速度發行精闢且深入之世界政治評論,適合外交政策專業工作者,或者對國際政治以及國際事物有深度興趣之讀者,提供每日最新世界政治評論。



試用期間 : 即日起至 2011 年 6 月 30 日止


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Database on Trial : World Politics Review on Trial :

World Politics Reviewis a daily, online publication and resource for foreign policy professionals and readers with a serious interest in international politics and foreign affairs. Its original articles are written by a network of more than 400 contributors from around the world, including subject-matter experts from journalism, research organizations, academia, government, and elsewhere.

Multiple Areas of Study Covered :

This database currently has thousands of articles in its archives, and produces more than 75,000 words of original content per month. World Politics Review covers topics of key relevance to foreign policy, international politics, and foreign affairs.  These include the following:

Trial Date : From Now to June 30, 2011

How to Use:

  1. Please go to Law and Social Sciences Library’s homepage→click on“Databases” under “E-Resources”→click on “Databases on Trial”
  2. Please follow the regulations of publisher's license agreements for the use of databases.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the databases on trial, please fill in the Inquiry Form for databases on trial or contact us at (02)23519641-314 or e-mail: lawlib@ntu.edu.tw
