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June 2013 No.26

Smart Agriculture—Connecting the Farms to the Cloud via M2M Technology

                The article “Smart Agriculture—Connecting the Farms to the Cloud via M2M Technology” talks about a system of solution to reduce the management cost in the farms and to assess the pest risks. Our center aims to advance the system accuracy through the inter-project synergy.

                 In this month, we host the Third International Workshop on M2M Technology on 23rd and 24th. This annual workshop aims to motivate professional conversions in M2M technology and to stimulate its future development in Taiwan. The topic focuses on ubiquitous sensing, mobile computing and intelligent transportation. Ten invited speakers from overseas and the local, from the academic and the industry are going to share the latest discovery. Welcome everyone interested in the topic and in witnessing the evolution of M2M technology.                                       —Editorial

Please note: early registration of the workshop before June 12, for more details go to http://www.m2mworkshop.net/.

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